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California to strip fruit from trees on over 2K properties to stop invasive bug

California to strip fruit from trees on over 2K properties to stop invasive bug

The fly is known to lay eggs in fruit, which then develop into larvae, or maggots, which poses a threat to residential and commercial citrus, along with over 230 crops, including berries, vegetables and nuts.

"If left unchecked, the Oriental fruit fly could become permanently established and cause billions of dollars’ worth of losses annually, which would significantly impact California’s food supply," the state agency said. 

The Oriental fruit flies is "larger than a housefly," CDFA said, and is about one third of an inch in length. It was first discovered in the state in 1960 and has continued to reintroduce itself every year since 1966. All infestations in the state have been successfully eradicated.

The agency also said if the infestation is not eliminated, it could cost between $44 and $176 million "in crop losses, additional pesticide use and quarantine requirements."

The removal was expected to begin by the end of January and continue into late February.

The agency advised residents not to remove fruit on their own, and if fruit should fall from the trees, it should be double-bagged and placed in a trash bin, not a green waste bin or any other organic refuse designations.
