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A car-boat combo that can hit the road or the water with the same vehicle

A car-boat combo that can hit the road or the water with the same vehicle

Imagine cruising down the highway in your sleek electric vehicle, only to decide halfway through your journey that you'd rather be skimming across the waves. With the Trident LS-1, that's not just a fantasy, it's a reality. This innovative car-boat hybrid is poised to revolutionize the way we think about transportation, offering seamless land and water travel all in one vehicle.

The Trident LS-1 (L for land, S for sea) is a three-wheel vehicle that can drive on land and then launch right into the water from a launching ramp. No trailer is needed, leaving the hassle behind. It has an electric motor that provides sustainable, zero-emission travel.

It also has hydrofoil technology that features blades or vanes that allow it to lift above the water surface about three feet, creating a smooth ride with reduced drag over the sea. It also makes steadier turns because the hull is out of the water.

The Trident LS-1 can go up to 35 mph on water or 15 mph without the hydrofoils. It can also handle waves of up to four feet, making it ideal for coastal travel. On land, it can reach speeds of up to 95 mph. What is even more incredible is that the Trident LS-1 is designed to prevent seasickness caused by a vessel's erratic motion on water.

The Trident LS-1 can accommodate up to four people comfortably with three permanent seats, including a center driver seat and two rear ones, as well as an additional fold-down center. It also comes equipped with airbags, a safety cage and multiple cameras, giving you peace of mind.

The Trident LS-1 is classified as a motorcycle/autocycle, which simplifies the regulations and registration process. With proper boat registration and a driver's license, anyone will be able to take the car-boat hybrid for a ride. You don't need a special license.

The vehicle is only 7 feet long, so you can easily fit it in your garage, which is what the engineering company wanted. You also don’t need a tow vehicle, which could end up in the water when you launch the boat.

The Trident LS-1 offers you the freedom and versatility to explore both land and water, without compromising on performance, comfort or safety. Whether you want to escape the traffic and enjoy a relaxing cruise on the water or have some fun and adventure on the waves, the Trident LS-1 can make it happen.

You can also be ready for any emergency situation with an amphibious vehicle that can save lives. And you can do all this while being environmentally conscious, thanks to its electric motor and zero-emission technology. The Trident LS-1 is the ultimate amphibious vehicle for anyone who wants to experience the best of both worlds.

You might be wondering when you can get your hands on this amphibious vehicle. Well, the creators are working hard to make it happen. They are finalizing the plan for the prototype, which should be ready by the end of this year. That’s when they will start taking deposits for the vehicles. The target price of the vehicle starts at under $100,000.

If you live in California, you can buy one around December 2025. They will also have a service center in San Diego to help you out. If you live outside of California, you can still pick up a Trident LS-1 in San Diego or wait until June 2026, when they hope to ship to other states.

The Trident LS-1 is still under development, but it has the potential to reshape the transportation landscape. Its unique combination of features, affordability and environmental consciousness makes it a truly innovative product.

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