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This Chinese company thinks it can make a more powerful pet robot dog than US

This Chinese company thinks it can make a more powerful pet robot dog than US

You may have heard of Boston Dynamics, the company that created the famous four-legged robot Spot. 

Well, now there is another company that is making impressive strides in the field of quadruped robotics.

That company is Unitree, a Chinese start-up that has been developing its own line of robot dogs since 2016. 

Unitree’s latest product is the B2, a sleek and powerful robot that can run faster, jump higher, and carry more weight than its predecessor, the B1.

The B2 is equipped with a sophisticated sensor system that allows it to perceive and navigate its environment. It has two HD optical cameras, two depth-sensing cameras, and a LiDAR module that provides it with a 360-degree view of its surroundings. It also has an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and a GPS module that helps it orient itself and track its location.

The B2 can operate autonomously or remotely, depending on the user’s preference. It has a wireless communication module that enables it to receive commands and transmit data via Wi-Fi or 4G networks. It also has a speaker and a microphone that allow it to communicate with humans and other robots.

The B2 is powered by a swappable 45Ah(2250Wh), 58V lithium battery that can last for up to five hours of walking without a payload. The battery can be easily replaced by opening a hatch on the robot’s side.

The B2 is not just a minor upgrade from the B1. It is a significant improvement in terms of speed, agility, strength and endurance. Here are some of the key differences between the two robots:

The B2 can run at a top speed of 19.7 feet per second, which is almost twice as fast as the B1’s 10.8 feet per second. The B2 is also the fastest known industrial-grade quadruped robot on the market, according to Unitree.

The B2 can jump a horizontal distance of 5.2 feet, which is more than double the B1’s 2.3 feet. The B2 can also step over obstacles up to 15.7 inches in height, which is 3.9 inches higher than the B1.

The B2 can carry a load of up to 88 pounds when walking, which is twice as much as the B1’s 44 pounds. The B2 can also support up to 265 pounds when standing still, which is four times as much as the B1’s 66 pounds.

The B2 can walk for up to five hours without a payload, which is more than double the B1’s two hours. The B2 can also walk for over four hours with a 44-pound load, which is almost twice as long as the B1’s two and a half hours.

The B2 is not just a cool gadget. It is a versatile robot that can perform a range of tasks and functions in various scenarios and environments. Some of the benefits of the B2 are:

Industrial automation: The B2 can help automate and optimize industrial processes, such as material handling, logistics, inspection, and maintenance. The B2 can work in harsh and hazardous conditions, such as high temperatures, dust and radiation, where human workers may not be able to operate safely or efficiently.

Emergency rescue: The B2 can assist in emergencies, such as natural disasters, fires, and accidents. The B2 can access and explore areas that are difficult or dangerous for humans and animals, such as collapsed buildings, flooded zones and minefields. The B2 can also carry and deliver supplies, equipment, and medical aid to the affected areas and people.

Security patrolling: The B2 can provide security and surveillance services, such as patrolling, monitoring, and alerting. With high accuracy and efficiency, the B2 can patrol and monitor large and complex areas, such as factories, warehouses, campuses and parks. The B2 can also detect and report any abnormal or suspicious activities, such as intrusions, thefts and vandalism.

B2 is actually an industry-end product, so the company tells us that they will provide overall solutions based on user needs, such as inspection robot dogs, firefighting robot dogs, etc., so there is no actual fixed price. Some B2 orders have already been filled and will continue in the future.

There is a new player in the game of robot dogs. It comes from Unitree, a Chinese robotics company. Their newest robot, the B2, is a beast. It can run faster, jump higher, and carry more weight than their previous robot, the B1. The B2 can do a lot of things, like helping out in factories, rescuing people in emergencies, and keeping an eye on things. The B2 really shows how far robotics have come.

How do you feel about robotic dogs like the B2 Unitree robot in terms of being comfortable around them? Do you think you will feel at ease or nervous around them? Let us know by writing us at

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