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Project Valhalla: A look inside Java’s epic refactor

Project Valhalla: A look inside Java’s epic refactor

Everything in Java is an object, except primitives like int. Turns out that small caveat has big implications for the language, which have compounded over the years. This seemingly minor design decision causes problems in key areas like collections and generics. It also limits certain performance optimizations. Project Valhalla, the Java language refactor, aims to correct these issues. Valhalla project lead Brian Goetz has said that Valhalla will “heal the rift between primitives and objects."

It’s fair to say Project Valhalla is an epic refactor, seeking to address technical debt buried deep in the platform since Java’s inception. This thoroughgoing evolution proves that Java is not only a classic but remains at the forefront of programming language design. Let's take a look at the key technical components of Project Valhalla and why they are so critical to the future of Java.

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