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Major Digest Home Florida bill would ban transgender people from changing sex on driver's licenses - Major Digest

Florida bill would ban transgender people from changing sex on driver's licenses

Florida bill would ban transgender people from changing sex on driver's licenses

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Florida lawmakers filed a bill that would ban transgender people from changing their sex on their driver's licenses to reflect their identity.

House Bill 1639, originally filed on Jan. 9, 2024, states that information on every license application should include the person's sex instead of their gender.

The revised version of the bill, filed on Jan. 24, 2024, defines "sex" as the "classification of a person as either male or female based on the organization of the human body of such person for a specific reproductive role as indicated by the person's sex chromosomes, naturally occurring sex hormones, and internal and external genitalia present at birth."

The revised version also added coverage for sex-reassignment prescriptions and procedures. A health insurance policy can cover sex-reassignment treatment only if the insurance policy can cover treatment to detransition.

The bill also says the policy cannot prohibit mental health or therapy coverage to treat a person's perception that his or her sex is inconsistent with their sex at birth.

If passed, the bill will go into effect on July 1, 2024.
