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How candidates are prepping for the fourth GOP debate

How candidates are prepping for the fourth GOP debate

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. (NewsNation) — The campaigns of the participants in the fourth Republican Party presidential primary debate Wednesday night on NewsNation shared how they have been preparing for the evening.

Chris Christie

"Listen to the questions and answer them, and answer them in a way that people can understand is direct and honest and not memorized or manufactured, not answering the question you wish you had been asked, but actually answering the question that you are asked.

"I think we did that in the last debate. I thought the last debate was the best one of the three that we've had. I think that's why my numbers have gone up so much since the last debate, because I actually stood on the stage and acted, I think, like a president is supposed to act; which is to listen to the question that's asked and to answer it and to give people clear direction on where you are and who you are and what kind of person you'd be. So I don't really have a different strategy for the fourth one. The good news is they'll be one less person. And so my ability to have a little more time to explain things and to discuss important issues will be there." - Chris Christie last week on MSNBC's "Morning Joe"

Ron DeSantis

"Ron DeSantis dominated Gavin Newsom last week by vigorously articulating why his conservative record and vision for the future represents the best way forward for the country when contrasted with the Biden-Newsom agenda. We are now eager to go back to the primary and remind Republicans why Ron DeSantis is the only one on stage who can defeat Donald Trump for the nomination and Joe Biden for the White House to ensure those liberal policies are reversed and America’s revival gets kicked off." - DeSantis campaign communications director Andrew Romeo

Nikki Haley

“Millions of Americans are still meeting Nikki Haley. She’s gone into every debate making the case for why we need a new generation of conservative leadership who will leave the chaos of the past behind. Voters like her toughness and moral clarity, and that’s why she’s the only candidate on the rise.” - Haley campaign statement

Vivek Ramaswamy

"Playing with his kids, working out and and some light sparring!" - Ramaswamy campaign
